Revalidation Services

With the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in 2010, Medicare was mandated to conduct off-cycle Medicare enrollment revalidation. Medicare was mandated to do this in the continued effort to try to curb Medicare fraud. The revalidation applies to all Medicare providers who enrolled in Medicare prior to 3/25/11.
This mandate applies to more than 1.4 million existing Medicare providers and will require those providers to revalidate their Medicare enrollment under the new screening requirements that went into effect on and after 3/25/11. So if you were enrolled as a Medicare provider after 3/25/11, you have already been through this process, and, any provider who is enrolling now as a new Medicare provider will also go through this process. Medicare’s main goal in all this is to insure that only legitimate providers remain in the Medicare Fee for Service (FFS) program.
For review, the PPACA established screening criteria for all providers who apply for enrollment with the Medicare FFS program on and after 3/25/11 according to risk of fraud and abuse. These risk categories are:

Limited Risk: This category includes:
- Physician and non-physician providers except physical therapists
- Non-physician group practices except physical therapy group practices
Moderate Risk: This category includes:
- CORF's
- Physical Therapists enrolling as individuals and group practices
- Re-validating DMEPOS suppliers
High Risk: This category includes:
- Due to Medicare finding "store front fraud shops", Medicare is calling to determine that someone actually answers the phone number during the listed business hours and then make an onsite visit to determine that the clinic is actually at the address on the application and open during the listed business hours, is staffed, has equipment, and looks like physical therapy is being provided to patients. So far, the MAC representatives have not asked to see any records. To be honest, they probably don't have time considering the number of clinics that need to be visited.